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Truth Gospel Ministry
Our ministers preaches in different colours. We preach expository and topical sermons in different styles to fit the context and our audience.
salvation is on by god's choice of election
Romans 9
Will every person be saved? Who decides our salvation? Well, the saved ones are those God foreknew and predestined to be called in other to be justified and glorified.
hosanna! King Jesus is coming again
Mark 11:1-11
It's so easy to praise God but very difficult to submit to Jesus' Lordship. Most people want Jesus as their savior but not their Lord. King Jesus is coming again. This time he is not coming on a donkey to die but on a horse to judge and reward.
The Power of the church's prayer
Acts 12:1-26
If the global church rises to earnestly prayer, God will step into our world and will manifest His glory.
prayer and fasting
Mark 9:14-32
The Christian is given a Spiritual Key that unlocks every door of success. The Key is Prayer and fasting. Use it and God will work through you.
the faithful in the race
Hebrews 12:1-3
On who are your eyes fixed on? The righteous will always fix their eyes on Christ so that they will not shrink back.
encountering god's generous benediction
2 Corinthians 13:11-14 / Joshua 5:13-6-23
Though God had promised his church blessing, yet if the church refuse to play their part by obeying God's given instruction, the promise will not come. We need to obey God and He will be faithful to all His promises concerning 2021.
we've seen his star and has come to worship him
Matthew 2:1-12
What have you seen in Christ, that has made you to worship Him? The wise men saw Jesus's Star and they travelled from the east to Bethlehem to worship Him.
good news comes only from god!
Luke 1: 5-38
Everyone likes Christmas but hate the good news it brings.
Excel in giving as you imitate christ
2 Corinthians 8:1-15
Giving proves our sincere love towards God and one another.
none is justified except by faith in Christ alone
Romans 4:1-12
Faith is trusting in God through believe and obedience. It’s it Believe + Obey and not believe alone
none is righteous except by faith in Christ alone
Romans 3:9-31
Where does your righteousness come from? Is it righteousness that is driven as a result of your absolute trust in God (faith) or righteousness that brings glory to self (fame)? Faith is having a great complete trust and confidence in God, which is evident by obedience that sometimes may be costly and difficult.
God will judge righteously so, come under grace
Romans 2:1-16
Do you secretly sin and pretend you are righteous? Do you condemn people of their wrongs while you in the secret do the same? No one may see you, but God will righteously judge everyone even the secret sins. God will judge righteously, so come under Grace, repent and pursue righteousness.
repent! come under grace or face God's wrath!
Romans 1:1-17
The Gospel is God's revealed Power and Righteousness of God given to Men as Grace, received by Faith and Proclaimed to Others.
Romans 1:1-17
The Gospel is God's revealed Power and Righteousness of God given to Men as Grace, received by Faith and Proclaimed to Others.
Pray, pray and really pray!
Psalm 3
What do you do when you're surrounded with challenges?
faith pleases god
Hebrews 11:1-7
''Faith is a living trust in God that his promised glorious rewards will certainly come true, though it is presently unseen''