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church planting

Church-planting among Islamic and Animistic environment is long-term and costly in every aspect. Your support will encourage our filled-workers to endure as they remain faithfully committed to the task.


  1. We pray.

  2. We locates a new community.

  3. We preparing spiritually, materially and financially.

  4. We pray for the right workers.

  5. We move to plant through evangelism.

  6. We gather the converts.

  7. We disciple the converts.

  8. We train leaders among the congregation.

  9. We work with them until the church is well established​.

  10. Then, we repeat the circle in another community.



We began this mission in October 2014, and has successfully planted one church. We are presently training and modelling leaders / workers for the next action. We have started a field work in Marakisa community and is hoping to plant a new church in near future. 


If you would like to donate, please send as a email or                     and let us know the area of support you would like to  donate. We will then get back to you with the options available for you to send your donation and resources to us in the Gambia.



1. Church Annual Bills.

2. Pastor's Support.

3. Workers Support.

4. Leadership Training Support.

5. Welfare Support.

6. Mobility.

others areas you could donate towards


Many individual converts needs assistance towards education and training skills in other to support themselves and become faithful towards their faith in Jesus Christ. Your support will encourage them to keep their trust in God.

Bible training

Most of our church members and workers are given Biblical training to equip them in faithful ministry. In every year we send some of them to different institutions, such as, Preaching College, Mission College, Disciple College and other ministry colleges to equipped them for the Great Commission. Support us, as we multiply Biblical Believers for the Kingdom.

building project

Land properties, building projects and centres for Biblical activities needs supports. Help us!

persecuted believers 

Many individuals suffers severe persecution from families, friends and societies due to their Islamic and Animistic backgrounds, and the Church becomes their only comfort. Your support will do them great favour!

& THe vulnerable

Our mission opens its home for persons without parent. We provide the necessary needs to support them as we keep sharing the love of Christ with them. The vulnerable are equally treated the same. We want to see Christ touching all lives! 

full-time workers

At the moment, all of our workers are part-timers and volunteers. We need support so that we can have full-time workers who will not be worried of their welfare as they sacrifice their lives for full-time ministries. Consider this need and help!


Travels in mission outreaches needs mobility to enhance our missionaries. Your giving will encourage us!

how to partner with us

1. You can partner with the TGM Mission through praying regularly for us.

2. Coming to work either long-term or short-term with us on the field.

3. Giving financially to facilitate the mission work.

4. Sharing your resources  to promote the gospel in the least-reached people groups.

Remember, your little support will contribute to saving a SOUL!

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