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The Truth Gospel Ministry (TGM) is a Christian Mission / Church, founded on 19th October 2014, with the purpose of working among the least-reached people groups, beginning from the Gambia-West Africa. The mission partners with other Christian missions and organisations whose doctrinal beliefs are in line with the Holy Scriptures (The Bible), to do faithful Bible teaching and preaching. 


Her priority is proclaiming Jesus and making disciples through Church-planting, as we aim to bring men, women, and children into an ultimate relationship and fellowship with God .

vision statement

Saints awakened to the realisation of the end-time, and living lives in readiness for the return of the Lord Jesus Christ (Revelation 16:15).


mission statement

Going to the nations of the world, preaching the gospel of the Kingdom of God, and Making disciples by faithful Bible teaching, training and preparing individuals to have;

1) A personal relationship with God in Christ,

2) A truthful relationship with one another,

3) Become a 'light' to the world.

statement of faith

1. THE BIBLE: We believe in the divine inspiration and authority of the Holy Scriptures. That the Bible is infallible in its declaration as originally given, final in its authority, all-sufficient in its provisions and comprehensive in its sufficiency. 

2. THE ONE TRUE GOD: We Believe in the existence of the One True God, Elohim, the Uncreated-Creator, Maker of the whole universe; indefinable, but revealed as the Trinity God Head - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 


3. JESUS CHRIST: We believe that Christ Jesus is the exact image of the invisible God. The personality of the Uncreated-Creator God, the God in flesh, and that man’s need of a Savior have been met in the person of Christ Jesus. We believe in His Deity, Virgin Birth, Sinless Life, Atoning Death, Resurrection, Ascension, and His Abiding Intercession before the Father, and, His Second Coming. 

4. MAN’S DEPRAVED NATURE: We believe that all men have sinned and come short of the glory of God; and are subject to eternal punishment; and are in need of regeneration and salvation through Christ. 


5. REPENTANCE, SANCTIFICATION AND JUSTIFICATION: We believe all men have to repent of their sinful nature, confess their sins before God, and believe in the vicarious death of Christ Jesus before they can be made pure before God. We believe in the Sanctification of the believer through the working of the Holy Spirit and God’s gift of Eternal Life through faith in Christ. 


6. BAPTISM AND GIFTS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT: We believe in water Baptism by immersion and Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of Spiritual gifts and services. We also believe that the Holy Spirit dwells in every believer and that He works in us through God's word into making the believer becomes more like Jesus in words, thoughts and deeds. 


7. NEXT LIFE: We believe in the Resurrection of both the Saved and Unsaved Souls. They that are saved, for resurrection unto Eternal Life, and they that are unsaved, for resurrection unto eternal Damnation. 

The Andersons-32.jpg

Founder / Senior Pastor

+220 2875196

Pastor Jude Adeleke

Associate Pastor
+220 3635083

Awa Demba Sambou

Women Minister / Finance Director

+220 9833892

David Omoti

Secretary / Admin Assistant
+220 7487541

Although, Daniel was born into a Christian home where his parents were both ministers serving in the Church of Pentecost (Ghana). He became a believer at age 8 when he had an experience with Jesus as he encounters a glimpse of heaven and hell. The encounter, empowers him to recognise the calling of his life. He started public preaching at age 15 till date. 


Daniel became a cross-cultural missionary in  West Africa since age 19 and through his experience, he founded the Truth Gospel Ministry. Before becoming a pastor, he was the assistant manager of Bons-Spec Sarl Scrap Export company, Nouakchott-Mauritania, and then, became a cook in his own restaurant in the Gambia.


Later, Daniel studied with Servants of the Word (SOW) School of Ministry. Within his 3 years of studies, he achieved certificates in Expository Preaching, Christian Administration, Bible Overview, and Missions with Moore College, GoodBooks College, and Live School (SATS). He also did shorts term training with Kairos Mission Course where he became HF and Simply The Story (STS- USA). He moved to London (United Kingdoms) and studied  Advanced Expository Preaching at The Proclamation Trust (Cornhill Preaching College) F1 and F2. He served his Internship in Christ Church Mayfair (CCM) and after his studies and internship, he return to the Gambia to continue with his mission work.


Daniel still serves in Servants Of the Word (SOW) School of Ministry as a Bible and Mission Facilitator and is actively involve in practical missions.


Daniel is married to Winifred King Williams. They are blessed with 3 children. 

Pastor Emmanuel Pa Omar Jatta

Associate Pastor
+220 7478900

Success Philips-Adeleke

Discipleship Coordinator

+220 7180109

Prince Kamara

Discipleship Assistant
+220 2287207

Emmanuel Mercer

Worship & Youth Minister
+220 7453528

Winifred K.W. Anderson-Obeng

Senior Deacon / Discipleship Trainer
+220 2485163

Pastor Michel & Mrs Angela Gogoua

Senior Pastor (TGM Mauritania)
+222 41153602

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